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How you can make mistake in Math…..

Here are some minor mistakes that are done by students in mathematics answer sheets, please be sure while writing your answers do not repeat same mistakes in your answers.

Secrets of Mental Math

Most of the mathematics that we learn in school is taught to us on paper with the expectation that we will solve problems on paper. But there is joy and lifelong value in being able to do mathematics in your head. In school, learning how to do math in your head quickly and accurately can be empowering. In this course, you will learn to solve many problems using multiple strategies that reinforce number sense, which can be helpful in all mathematics courses. Success at doing mental calculation and estimation can also lead to improvement on several standardized tests.


हिमाल के हो ?
हिमालहरू भनेको पृथ्वीको सतहमा रहेका
सबैभन्दा उच्च जमिनका आकारहरू हुन् ।
हिमालहरू अत्यन्त ठाडा र चुच्चा हुन सक्छन् ।
शिखरमा गोलाकार सतह पनि हुन सक्छ ………….

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